- roly-poly pudding
- рулет с джемом и изюмом
cabinet pudding — пудинг из муки с изюмом и цукатами
English-Russian travelling dictionary. 2015.
cabinet pudding — пудинг из муки с изюмом и цукатами
English-Russian travelling dictionary. 2015.
roly-poly pudding — noun pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed • Syn: ↑roly poly • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
roly-poly pudding — noun see roly poly II … New Collegiate Dictionary
roly poly pudding — n. pudding made of sweet dough topped with jam or fruit and rolled into a roll and baked … English contemporary dictionary
The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or The Roly-Poly Pudding — The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or, The Roly Poly Pudding is a book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter. It was first published in 1908 as The Roly Poly Pudding . In 1926 it was re published as The Tale of Samuel Whiskers . It features the cat… … Wikipedia
Roly poly — may refer to: * Armadillidiidae, a crustacean known colloquially as the roly poly * Jam Roly Poly, a traditional British pudding * Roly Poly, a chain of sandwich shops in the United States * The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or, The Roly Poly Pudding,… … Wikipedia
roly-poly — ► NOUN (also roly poly pudding) Brit. ▪ a pudding made of a sheet of suet pastry covered with jam or fruit, formed into a roll, and steamed or baked. ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ round and plump. ORIGIN fanciful formation from ROLL(Cf. ↑roll) … English terms dictionary
roly-poly — I UK [ˌrəʊlɪ ˈpəʊlɪ] / US [ˌroʊlɪ ˈpoʊlɪ] adjective informal someone who is roly poly is short and fat II UK [ˌrəʊlɪ ˈpəʊlɪ] / US [ˌrʊlɪ ˈpoʊlɪ] noun [uncountable] British roly poly or roly poly pudding a sweet food made by spreading jam or fruit … English dictionary
roly-poly — I. adjective Etymology: reduplication of roly, from 2roll Date: 1820 being short and pudgy ; rotund II. noun (plural lies) Date: 1836 1. a roly poly person or thing … New Collegiate Dictionary
roly-poly — adjective informal round and plump. noun 1》 (also roly poly pudding) Brit. a pudding made of a sheet of suet pastry covered with jam or fruit, formed into a roll, and steamed or baked. 2》 Austral. a bushy tumbleweed. [Salsola kali and other… … English new terms dictionary
roly-poly — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 (also roly poly pudding) a pudding made of a strip of suet pastry covered with jam etc., formed into a roll, and boiled or baked. 2 US a tumbler toy. 3 Austral. a bushy plant, esp. Salsola kali, that breaks off and is… … Useful english dictionary